The Thyroid Nodule Center
Bucks Thyroid & Endocrine Care is a special place to come for the evaluation of thyroid nodules. Dr. Paparsenos has an interest in thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer, and he holds an Endocrincine Certification in Neck Ultrasonography (ECNU), an exclusive professional certification in neck ultrasonography provided by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) and recognized by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM). At the Thyroid Nodule Center Dr. Paparsenos himself will perform a thyroid ultrasound. We feel that it is essential to the quality of the interpretation that the thyroid specialist performs the study him or herself. For this reason the study will be done at our Center regardless of your insurance coverage.
If a nodule warrants a fine-needle aspiration biopsy the procedure will also be done at the Center. This will all typically take place at the same visit. There will be no running around to hospitals or other facilities. Thyroid biopsies are sent to a distinguished cytology lab that specializes in thyroid cytology for interpretation. Mutation marker studies on biopsies with indeterminate results are available. This has prevented many unnecessary surgeries. If you do need thyroid surgery, we will refer you to a renowned neck surgeon who is right for you. We do not perform thyroid surgeries so there is no conflict of interest in our decision making.
As doctors order more and more imaging studies (CAT scans, MRI’s, etc), the finding of thyroid nodules is increasing. The right approach is essential. The Thyroid Nodule Center offers ultimate convenience, comfort, and state-of-the-art care.